About us
Who we are
We are a group of Christian women, including women pastors, ministers, intercessors, and counsellors, united across the UK, Africa, Europe, and the Americas by a shared heart to intercede and disciple women in prayer. Our UK-based charitable company, Jesus Women International Prayer Movement, was founded on July 7, 2011, in Nottingham by Moji Obasa. The vision, given by Jesus Christ, is to gather women to pray without ceasing in anticipation of His second coming, discipling them in prayer and praying for one another.
Our mission is rooted in biblical principles, including Isaiah 61:1, where the Lord anoints us to proclaim good news, bind up the brokenhearted, and set captives free. We operate non-denominationally, with a sole focus on Jesus as our way, truth, and light. Our purpose is to raise a hedge of prayer across the globe, standing in the gap for our nations, families, and cities, as admonished in Ezekiel 22:31. We are committed to keeping watch and praying, as instructed in Matthew 25:13 and Mark 14:38, to prevent falling into temptation and to avert the wrath of God.
After a 15-year delay, the founder’s trip to Israel in 2011 reignited the vision, and the ministry was launched in Oxford on March 15, 2012. We invite women from all over the world to join us in this critical mission. Together, we can make a difference, praying for one another, and preparing the way for Jesus’ second coming. We believe that our collective prayers can heal the sick, raise the dead, and bring freedom to the captives. Will you join us in raising this hedge of prayer, standing in the gap for our world, and ushering in the return of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Founded 7th of July 2011
Moji Ruth Obasa: A Life of Service
Moji Ruth Obasa is a dynamic individual with a rich background in various fields, including a strong educational foundation in Business Management, Politics and International Relations, Media, Theology, and Education. With over 25 years of professional experience in Retail, Education, and the food industry, Moji’s career as a journalist in Nigeria was marked by her courageous coverage of human rights issues. Her determination to fight for human rights led her to become a refugee in the UK in 1996, and her experiences have been instrumental in shaping her ministry. Moji believes that every experience, no matter how difficult, is useful in answering God’s call, and her favourite Bible verses, including Isaiah 54, Jeremiah 29:12, and Ezekiel 22:31, serve as a reminder of her purpose.
After 15 years of struggling to heed God’s call, Moji launched her ministry on July 7, 2011, following a 21-day fast and 21 days of night vigil. Her ministry has been a culmination of her experiences, including hosting women’s prayer fellowships, working with pastors, and assisting African pastors in setting up churches. Moji is a devoted intercessor and worshipper, having attended various prayer meetings and volunteered at the Joyce Meyer Women’s Conference in 2006. Today, she continues to serve as a minister, using her experiences and skills to make a positive impact in her community and beyond, including founding the Jesus Women International Prayer Movement, a UK-based charitable company that aims to gather women to pray without ceasing in anticipation of Jesus’ second coming.

Founded 7th of July 2011
Our Statement of Faith
- We believe in one true God, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ, the living Word, became flesh through His miraculous conception and virgin birth, uniting perfect Deity and true humanity in one person.
- He lived a sinless life, atoned for human sins, and rose from the dead, ascending to heaven to make intercession for His own.
- Through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, humanity was alienated from God, and our nature was corrupted. However, salvation is a work of God’s free grace, available to those who put their faith in Christ alone.
- The Holy Spirit regenerates and renews us, convicting and drawing sinners to Christ, and sealing us until the day of redemption.
- As believers, we are called to live in the power of the indwelling Spirit, bearing fruit to the glory of God, with Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church, His Body, composed of all people joined to Him through saving faith
Our Vision
To disciple women in prayer and take them to heaven
To work with women leaders and create women leaders
To equip women with transferable skills for empowering them
To provide the relief of need and hardship to elevate poverty beginning with the UK, USA and Africa
To prepare women for Christ’s second coming
To help women take control of their finances, career and relationships
To provide an enabling biblical knowledge base for women
To demonstrate the healing power in the name of Jesus through planned crusades and programmes
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